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Groupe Interway présent à la convention annuelle des franchisés organisée par Eléphant Bleu à Versailles.

Groupe Interway présent 

à la convention hypromat

Retour sur une belle journée de collaboration !

Le vendredi 11 octobre, Groupe Interway a eu le plaisir de participer à la convention annuelle des franchisés organisée par Eléphant Bleu à Versailles. 

Cette occasion nous a permis de présenter notre solution de paiement CB sans contact, parfaitement intégrée dans les centres de lavage pour les pistes haute pression et les aspirateurs. 
Un événement marquant, placé sous le signe de l’innovation et du partenariat. 

Merci à Eléphant Bleu pour cette organisation exemplaire et pour la confiance qu’ils nous accordent.

Découvrir plus sur nos solutions monétiques

Digital Day by Groupe Interway 2022

Journée digital day
by groupe interway

Groupe Interway a présenté son nouveau showroom parisien et mis en avant ses solutions de digitalisation durant son « Digital Day 2022 »

🎾 Balle de match, nous sommes ravis chez Groupe Interway de vous avoir présenté hier notre nouveau Showroom et nos solutions de digitalisation lors de la « Digital Day 2022 » !
A look back at the day's programme in two main parts:

Morning in the heart of Paris

  • Presentation of our digital pathways in our showroom
  • Conference by Olivier Dauvers on the interest of the digitalisation of retail

Après-midi de partages et d’échanges à Roland Garros

  • Simple and sincere speech by Julien Benneteau, highlighting the importance of human values in building a long-term project
  • Visit of this mythical place full of history and tennis animation to walk on the Roland Garros ground
    The presence of our guests was a real pleasure for us and showing them our showroom was a way to share our vision based on our global ecosystem combining technological expertise and services.
    Toute l’équipe du Groupe Interway se tient à votre disposition afin d’approfondir, lors d’une visite personnalisée dans notre Showroom, vos enjeux de digitalisation et concevoir ensemble vos solutions innovantes.

image interway expert monétique

Challenge Walk & Smile Interway 2022

Challenge Walk & Smile

Challenge de marche au profit de l’association sourire à la vie

In 2022, after several difficult months, COVID changed our lifestyles and professional and personal organisations. Interway, aware of the constraints that this has generated in the daily life of its teams, has decided in 2022 to bring a new breath of fresh air and special attention to the well-being of the company's actors, by mobilizing around a new, original, and differentiating challenge, based on flexibility and autonomy, aiming to release motivation, team spirit and the taste for effort...

An individual and collective challenge, but also a charitable one, as the very meaning of this action and its main objective, was to cover as many kilometres as possible in 100 days of effort in order to raise funds for the "Sourire à la Vie" association to help children in the fight against cancer...
16 employees represented Interway, these 8 women and 8 men who took part in the "WALK & SMILE 2022" adventure have carried the colours, values and fundamentals of our company far and wide, BRAVO...

The ''WALK & SMILE 2022'' walking challenge has just ended...
Thanks to the motivation of this INTERWAY TEAM, the daily support of "Coach" Christian Plaziat, the energy and the tremendous dynamic of solidarity and generosity of everyone, the INTERWAY TEAM achieved the feat in 100 days of effort of covering 19,790 kms by walking, running and even cycling to raise the exceptional sum of 4,947 €.


Thanks to the TEAM of actors of this challenge: Anne-Charlotte R. / Clara P. / Claudine V. / Fouzia C. / Jennifer B. / Laëtitia G. / Laëtitia R. / Samantha S. / Davy E. / Fabrice M. / Hilario C. / Nicolas M. / Patrice R. / Patrick E. / Pascal P. / Pierre L. / and the Coach Christian Plaziat




19 790 Kms



4 947 €

L’association « Sourire à la vie »

Une présence quotidienne dans les chambres à l’hôpital
Sourire à la Vie accompagne les enfants atteints de cancer en proposant un programme sportif complet, des jeux éducatifs et créatifs et des temps de répit pour permettre aux parents de souffler. Le programme débute au plus près du diagnostic de l’enfant dans la chambre à l’hôpital et se poursuit tout au long du parcours de l’enfant en favorisant son épanouissement et en lui permettant de rester actif.

Preparing and accompanying the child through the trials of the disease
Comme un sportif de haut niveau doit se préparer aux épreuves des Jeux Olympiques pour être le plus fort, le plus relâché possible et en pleine disposition de toutes ses ressources, l’enfant malade a tout à gagner à être préparé aux épreuves qui jalonnent son parcours thérapeutique.
To achieve this, the Sourire à la Vie team will follow the child throughout the year thanks to a global support system like that of top-level athletes. The structure works with great sportsmen and women, such as Camille Lacourt, who contribute their time and skills to constantly enrich the approach.

Site Internet de l’association

Contact the coach

"I created the Pass' Sport-Santé-Vitalité
to meet the collective challenges and objectives of tomorrow...

You are organising a special event within your company and would like to give it a positive message, a representation, a different impact, which should enhance your know-how, strengthen the collective dynamic or highlight the skills of your teams! You wish to unite all your employees around your values, to reinforce team spirit, team cohesion, to nurture new ambitions, to develop and share a collective vision turned towards the future.
I will accompany this event by sharing with you the strong and fundamental values of high-level sport, by comparing the challenges and stages of individual and collective performance at the heart of the company with my experience as a champion, entrepreneur, and expert

Sport & Health are now often associated in the business world with CSR / QWL issues, they must enable a positive and sustainable response to the needs of those involved.
Even if there are still many obstacles, taking into account the "Fitness" of employees in the broadest sense of the term should offer new perspectives for taking into account the conditions of Well-Being of employees in their daily work to free up collective performance, by developing an original and differentiated approach, based on flexibility and autonomy, aiming to free up motivation, team spirit and to develop a taste for effort
Benefits & advantages that should enable each employee, a company player, on the ground, to foster social ties, improve the quality of life at work and develop a positive team spirit around a common ambition, strong Christian Plaziat and shared collectively...

Vous voulez en savoir plus  ?

Paris Retail Week and Marketing Point de Vente 2021 Shows

Paris Retail Week and
Point of Sale Marketing 2021


Interway and InStore Solution welcomed you to PRW and MPV 2021

The teams ofInStore Solution andInterway, subsidiaries of Groupe Interway, welcomed you at the Paris Retail Week 28-29-30 Sept. 21 and Point of Sale Marketing 5-6-7 Oct. 21 trade shows. You were able to discover our digital solutions and embark on an omnichannel & phygital customer journey.

Paris Retail Week

28-29-30 Sep 21

Point of Sale Marketing

5-6-7 Oct. 21

Vous souhaitez avoir plus d’information sur nos solutions de digitalisation ?

Contact us

Groupe Interway at MPV 2021

Marketing fair and points of sale
5-6-7 Oct. 21


Interway and InStore Solution will welcome you on stand B81 during the Point of Sale Marketing show

À vos agendas ! Les équipes d’InStore et d’Interway, filiales du Groupe Interway, vous invitent à venir au salon MPV 2021, le salon de toutes les solutions marketing pour l’efficacité du point de vente et l’expression des marques et enseignes : PLV, activation, agencement, digital, merchandising. Venez découvrir nos solutions digitales et vous lancer dans un parcours client omnicanal. 
Our teams will be present to guide you in your efforts and answer all your questions. The show will take place from Tuesday 5 to Thursday 7 October 2021 at Paris Porte de Versailles. 
Don't forget your health pass to ensure everyone's safety.

Click here to collect your badge

MPV 2021 show badge

Groupe Interway au salon Paris Retail Week

Interway Group at Paris Retail Week 2021

Paris Retail Week Show
28-29-30 Sep 21


Interway and InStore Solution will welcome you on stand P016 during Paris Retail Week

À vos agendas ! Les équipes d’InStore et d’Interway, filiales du Groupe Interway, vous invitent à venir au Salon Paris Retail Week 2021, salon de l’e-commerce et du commerce connecté, pour découvrir nos solutions digitales et vous lancer dans un parcours client omnicanal. 
Our teams will be present to guide you in your efforts and answer all your questions. 
The show will take place from Tuesday 28 to Thursday 30 September 2021 at Paris Porte de Versailles. 
Don't forget your health pass to ensure everyone's safety.

Would you like to make an appointment with one of our experts at the show?

Fill out the online form

Groupe Interway au salon Paris Retail Week
